Easiest Way to Make Perfect Fruit punch

Fruit punch.

Fruit punch You can cook Fruit punch using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Fruit punch

  1. You need of star fruit.
  2. Prepare of fig sliced.
  3. It’s of pomegranate beads.
  4. It’s of orange segments.
  5. You need of Salt and pepper.
  6. It’s of chat masala.
  7. You need of powdered sugar.
  8. You need of garnish-.
  9. You need of apple.

Fruit punch instructions

  1. Wash the figs and cut into slices. Remove the skin of orange and take segments out from each slice. Separate the pomegranate beads. Now take 1/4 of apple and cut thin slices to make a fan out of it..
  2. Wash and Cut the star fruit and marinate it with salt and pepper, chat masala and 1-1/2 tsp powdered sugar..
  3. Now assemble fruits together. And sprinkle some salt and pepper, chat masala. Garnish with apple fan. Now sprinkle the remaining powdered sugar..

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